Saturday, October 11, 2008


The Revealers

Begin brainstorming the answers with members of your group!

1. Ms. Hogeboom told Russell that everyone was reading the Revealer and that the atmosphere of the school was changing…”It was like a small revolution” (175). Explain what she means about the school culture and their affect on it.

2. Describe why The Revealers project was so successful with students and judges alike.

3. Russell, Elliot, and Catalina's hypothesis for their science fair project was "if bullying and harassment incidents were brought to light among the whole student body in a school then there will be a reduction in these incidents as well as them being less severe in nature"(194). Did the three main characters prove their hypothesis? Discuss. What is one way you could use technology to improve the school at AISD?

1. She means that it is affecting the other students about bullying and that they are starting to realize that bullying is a big problem. Also when Mrs. Hogeboom said "It was like a small revolution" I think she meant that students are starting to change and are being nicer to one another. The students also found out what was going on to their school that they probably did not know about.

2. I think it was successful because the way they showed it in front of their crowd and judges was by video,skits,stories and interviews, which attracts a lot of attention. I also think it was successful because it was about bullying (a big situation) and i think a lot of people wanted to know about that. Also i think that this subject is kinda neat especially for a science project.

3. Catalina, Russell and Elliot prove their hypothesis by a survey that the students took, about bullying. Also Mrs. Capeli said that they would bring back kidnet after all. A way we could use technology that might help AISD is that we could send up stories about bullying just like KidNet but instead we can use FirstClass.

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