Thursday, October 16, 2008

Flex Day Response

October 12, 2008 Flex day
Garment Factory Questions

6. How old do you think the workers here are, on average?

1.I think that the workers here are around 15-late twenty's early thirty's because the workers look really young but they look younger then their real age. I think most of them are teenagers because Tomas asked one of the workers how old they were and the worker said 18. But there are some older workers who looks like there around 50.

2. I think that the factory looks clean for a country like Bangladesh. I also think that the materials that they use are pretty good. I also want to know how much money they get payed and that if they are sick will their bosses pay for the medicine or if they can skip a day with pay.

Saturday, October 11, 2008


The Revealers

Begin brainstorming the answers with members of your group!

1. Ms. Hogeboom told Russell that everyone was reading the Revealer and that the atmosphere of the school was changing…”It was like a small revolution” (175). Explain what she means about the school culture and their affect on it.

2. Describe why The Revealers project was so successful with students and judges alike.

3. Russell, Elliot, and Catalina's hypothesis for their science fair project was "if bullying and harassment incidents were brought to light among the whole student body in a school then there will be a reduction in these incidents as well as them being less severe in nature"(194). Did the three main characters prove their hypothesis? Discuss. What is one way you could use technology to improve the school at AISD?

1. She means that it is affecting the other students about bullying and that they are starting to realize that bullying is a big problem. Also when Mrs. Hogeboom said "It was like a small revolution" I think she meant that students are starting to change and are being nicer to one another. The students also found out what was going on to their school that they probably did not know about.

2. I think it was successful because the way they showed it in front of their crowd and judges was by video,skits,stories and interviews, which attracts a lot of attention. I also think it was successful because it was about bullying (a big situation) and i think a lot of people wanted to know about that. Also i think that this subject is kinda neat especially for a science project.

3. Catalina, Russell and Elliot prove their hypothesis by a survey that the students took, about bullying. Also Mrs. Capeli said that they would bring back kidnet after all. A way we could use technology that might help AISD is that we could send up stories about bullying just like KidNet but instead we can use FirstClass.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Elliot's expose

Blog response instructions:
• Answer the questions in complete sentences and use proper English (restrain from using MSN chat style of writing).
• Use evidence from the novel to support your answer and include page numbers.
• When commenting to your peers, be respectful in your language and about their responses. It is okay to disagree, but do it in a polite manner.

When Elliot writes about his experience with the Jock Rots and sends it out over the KidNet, he includes the following quote in his letter.

"I think people ought to realize that stuff like this goes on every day…The rest of you are all part of it-because you let it go on and maybe you think it's funny, or you think it only happens to geeky outsiders and kids who are smaller or fatter or skinnier or don't have so many friends or so much money as you. So tell me-what happens when you don't have so many friends one day, or you don't have so much money, or something bad happens to you?" (91-92)

Blog question:
What is the message is he trying to get across to his classmates?

I think that the message he is trying to get out is, what's going on in Parkland Middle School can happen to any one(pg.91-92). I also think that he's trying to tell his classmates that you should be aware of the bullying thats is happening around you. Like when you see someone getting them, don't just be a bystander and watch whats going on but be there for them as if some one would be there for you! I think Elliot is trying to tell the bystanders that you can stop the situation and that you are the ones who are responsible, the bystanders usually just laugh and then walk away when they should really be the ones who help the victims. I also think that Elliot's trying to tell the students to think again before they do something to another person.And how they would like it if that happened to them? I also think that he was doing this to scare the Jock Rots and how its not over (pg.93).

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Take home test

Blog response instructions:
  • Answer the questions in complete sentences and use proper English ( restrain from using MSN chat style of writting).
  • Use evidence from the novel to support your anwser and include page numbers.
  • When commenting to your peers, be respectful in you language and about their responses. It is okay to disagree, but do it in a polite manner.

Section 1:
2. Russell describes middle school as a place with "predators" that you "try to survive" can you relate to this experience? Is what Russell says about middle school true? Explain.

 I can relate to what Russell is saying about "predators" and that you "try to survive" because when you enter middle school , not everyone is your friend like in elementary school. Cliques start to form and people search for the right group, the one that they fit in. In my last school, in South Africa there was a lot of cliques there and I didn't really know which one I fitted in cause I had friends in most of them. You can't just join a clique, you first have to accepted. In school your clique is like your family, you stay in your group all the time.

Section 2:
4. Looking at the two quotes below  that deal with bullying incidents. Russell's mother says on page 67 that she thinks that the bullying between girls can be more vicious than the "physical stuff" that happens between boys. Do you agree with her point of view? Explain.

I agree with Russell's moms view because what Bethany did to Catalina will probally stay in her mind for the rest of her life. When Richie hit Russell the bruise will only last for around a month or so, but when bethany did that to Catalina it will always stay there because she talked about her mom in a bad way (pg 53) and she has a great relationship with her mom and  Catalina doesn't live with her anymore. Girl's can hurt people a lot more than boys verbally but maybe not physically. They have way's of hurting people just like what Bethany did to Catalina.

Section 3:
5. Read the two quotes below and explain the differences between Leah's statement.
Well the differences are that in the first statement she's talking about how posting up other people's stories about being bullied is good because then other kids can see what is going on at their school that they didn't know happened. Then in the second statement is about how the students were abusing the web and that one of the stories were untrue. So she first thinks that the idea is good but after a little bit one of the story's isn't true and thinks if they made up all the stories, so after all it might have been a bad idea.